Introduction to School of Health, Sports and Exercise Sciences

The Concordia School of Health, Sport and Exercise Sciences stresses the importance of good health and healthy lifestyle. It is designed to create an atmosphere that maintains equilibrium in mental and physical fitness as it teaches discipline, coordination, self-control in all facets of life. It provides instructional materials both on the theoretical and practical aspects of overall health as well as a lifelong habit of fitness that will strengthen the mind, body and whole well-being.

Detox Specialist (Diploma)

Program Description

This introductory program is planned to provide a platform for students to become a certified Detox Specialist, a healthcare professional who provides proper nutritional guidelines to clients and help them manage their health through detoxification diet. This course will focus on foundation of detoxification and consulting skills. These comprise achieving a basic understanding of the nutrition and detoxification as well as basic communication and consulting skills as a Detox specialist.

Program Duration 1 ~ 3 Months
Credit 6.0

Module Description

Mode of Instruction

  • E-learning:
    • Lecture videos
    • Textbooks
    • Quizzes
    • Assignments

Module Outline

  • Detox Specialist
    • Introduction to Nutrition
    • Detox Program Overview
    • BMI and Obesity
    • Principles of Dietary Assessment
    • Human Digestive System
  • Foundation of Nutrition Consulting
    • Macronutrients: Carbohydrates
    • Macronutrients: Lipid
    • Vitamins and Minerals
    • Consulting & Communication Skills
Admissions Requirements
  • 16 years of age
  • Application Form
  • Transcripts/Certificates of Academic Qualifications since High School
  • Completion of Senior High School Grade 11 or 12

Admission Period

  • January, June, September

Taekwondo Instructor Training (Diploma)

Program Description

Our Taekwondo program is aimed to prepare practitioners on becoming a professional instructor of Taekwondo that can manage students both in one-on-one and group classes. They are also honed to properly guide learners as they go through the different levels of the program. As important as teaching is, being capable of marketing and setting up a business is also essential. Thus, we provide in this course valuable information in developing their business skills.

Program Duration 1 ~ 2 Years
Credit 15.0

Module Description

Mode of Instruction

  • E-learning:
    • Lecture videos
    • Textbooks
    • Quizzes
    • Assignments

Module Outline

  • Program Introduction
    • Introduction/Warm-Up/ Stretching
    • Basic Blocks (30 Basic Moving Blocks – Movements)
    • Basic Hand Strikes
    • Basic Kicks
    • Program Beginner Criteria White-Yellow
      • White Belt Taegeuk 1
      • Yellow Belt Taegeuk 2
      • Testing for Beginner Material
  • Program Advance Criteria Brown- Black
    • Brown Belt Taegeuk 6
    • Red Belt Taegeuk 7
    • Black Belt Taegeuk 8
    • Testing for Advanced Material
    • Target Training
    • Olympic Sparring Combos
    • Review previous materials
    • Self-Defense
    • 1st Dan – 2nd Dan Korea
    • Advanced kicking and advanced movements
    • Classroom Management
    • Student Development
    • Marketing
    • Business Setup
Admissions Requirements
  • 16 years of age
  • Application Form
  • Transcripts/Certificates of Academic Qualifications since High School
  • Completion of Senior High School Grade 11 or 12

Admission Period

  • January, June, September